The reason why LANAP is considered an effective treatment over traditional gum surgery is because:

  • The laser treatment selectively conserves more of the healthy gum and connective tissues while removing infection
  • The treatment process is pain-free and recovery time is less
  • There is reduced risk of postoperative complications like sensitive teeth and receding gums
  • Patients have more peace of mind about the treatment so that they seek therapy instead of avoiding necessary care at detriment to their overall health

In contrast to traditional flap surgery, the adjustable settings for LANAP also mean that an array of conditions caused by periodontitis gum disease can be treated using different techniques. Periodontal healing is allowed to occur through regeneration rather than surgery using guided tissue regeneration barriers (GTR) or bone grafting materials (allografts).

Due to these benefits to the patient, and the practice that can then cost effectively treat more patients, LANAP is seen as a viable replacement option for conventional periodontal surgeries. The technology allows for more accurate biopsy and diagnosis for periodontists to explain to patients, and in turn to reduce anxiety about the disease and the decision for treatment.